March 15, 2015
Both HB 203 (no local enforcement of new federal gun or magazine bans) and HB 298 (permitless carry) have cleared the Senate and are on their way to the Governor’s desk. Soon we‘ll provide you with information about contacting the Governor in support of these two bills.
SB 122 (ammo component manufacture) has been approved by the House Tax Committee with a 13-7 vote. This bill will now move on to the House floor for Second Reading, and then Third Reading. SB 122 got a minor, technical amendment in House Tax, so it will need to go back to the Senate for concurrence with this House amendment. That shouldn’t be a problem. Then it, too, will go to the Governor. More about this when it’s assigned for Second Reading in the House.
That’s all for now.
Gary Marbut, President
Montana Shooting Sports Association
Author, Gun Laws of Montana
Here is a list of MSSA bills, as well as non-MSSA bills indicating those we oppose or endorse. You can find the bill text, description and current status of each bill here. This page includes the following sections;
SECTION 2) MSSA Endorses these bills
SECTION 3) MSSA Opposes these bills
We will send out a notification when public hearings on our bills are scheduled and it’s time for you to contact legislators. If you would like to receive email updates as these bills move through the legislature, please send email to and request to be added. In the meantime, there are things you can do now to get yourself and your friends ready to help MSSA get these pro-gun bills passed. MSSA CAN’T DO THE JOB WITHOUT YOUR ONGOING HELP.
1. Become knowledgeable about the issues MSSA will have before the 2015 Legislature. Check this out and study up on the issues.
2. Learn about the legislative process, how it works, and how you and your friends can be involved in support of MSSA bills. We’ve provided coaching information for you at BE SURE TO study this information. It is important!
3. You may check the current status of these bills at If you’d like to stay informed as these bills move through our Legislative process, there are two ways you can do that. 1) Send email to and request to be added to the email distribution list 2) “Like” and “get notifications” from the MSSA Facebook page at
4. Please recirculate this to all of your friends who are concerned about the RKBA in Montana.
5. If you have any questions or concerns, or need help with getting involved in the process, you may contact the MSSA Legislative Coordinator, Elisa Delaurenti, at or Facebook
Smokeless powder and primer production. (MSSA notes, description)
Sponsor: Sen. Matt Rosendale Current Status
Prohibit enforcement of new federal gun laws. (MSSA notes, description)
Sponsor: Rep. Art Wittich Current Status
University system gun bans (MSSA notes, description)
Sponsor: Sen. Cary Smith Current Status
Sound suppressors illegal for poaching (MSSA notes, description)
Sponsor: Sen. Mark Blasdel Current Status
Permitless carry (inside city limits). (MSSA notes, description)
Sponsor: Rep. Bill Harris Current Status
Safe travel to work. (MSSA notes, description)
Sponsor: Undetermined Current Status
Shooting range funding – prevent FWP from stealing funds appropriated by Legislature. (MSSA notes, description)
Sponsor: Rep. Nancy Ballance Current Status
Constitutional Referendum – revise Art. II, Sec. 12 to remove exception for carrying concealed weapons. (MSSA notes, description)
Sponsor: Rep. Matthew Monforton Current Status
SECTION 2 (MSSA endorses these bills)
Eliminate prohibition on sound suppressors for hunting
Sponsor: Rep. Ellie Hill (D-Missoula) Current Status
SB 131
CWP’s and Renewal Fingerprinting
Sponsor: Rep. Douglas Kary (R-SD22) Current Status
HB 598
Referendum for gun owners access to justice act
Sponsor: Rep. Matthew Monforten Current Status
Reaffirm that trapping is a form of hunting protected under MT Constitution
Sponsor: Kirk Wagoner Current Status
SECTION 3 (MSSA opposes these bills)
Allow FWP Game Wardens to enforce firearm safety at shooting ranges.
Sponsor: Rep. Willis Curdy (D-Missoula)
Require background check for all private firearm transfers
Sponsor: Sen. Dick Barrett (D-Missoula)
Repeal MSSA Self Defense bill of 2009
Sponsor: Rep. Ellie Hill (D-Missoula)
Prohibit exploding targets on public lands
Sponsor: Rep. Willis Curdy (D-Missoula)