Dear MSSA Friends,

MSSA has issued 27 endorsements in races for the Montana Legislature for the upcoming, June Primary Election.  MSSA only issues endorsements in contested races and in which we have information from voting records, returned candidate questionnaires, and other sources.  This information must persuade us that one candidate is clearly a better choice for Montana gun owners than other candidates in the Primary Election contest.  MSSA will issue another round of endorsements after the Primary and before the General Election in November.

The current round of MSSA endorsements are all for contested Primaries among Republicans.  Typically, Democrat challengers do not return MSSA’s candidate questionnaire, so even though Democrat incumbents may have terrible voting records we have no basis to evaluate or endorse Primary challengers, or to evaluate Democrat contenders for open seats (with no incumbent running).

The candidates endorsed for this June Primary Election are:

Montana Senate

SD 5 Matt Regier, Kalispell
SD 13 Lola Sheldon-Galloway, Vaughn
SD 15 Rhonda Knudsen, Culbertson
SD 17 Bob Phalen, Glendive
SD 35 Ray Shaw, Sheridan
SD 44 Theresa Manzella, Hamilton
SD 45 Denley Loge, St. Regis

Montana House of Representatives

HD 2 Tom Millett, Marion
HD 7 Courtenay Sprunger, Kalispell
HD 11 Ed Byrne, Bigfork
HD 16 Rolland Heagy, Cut Bank
HD 18 Llew Jones, Conrad
HD 20 Steven Galloway, Great Falls
HD 21 Ed Buttrey, Great Falls
HD 22 George Nikolakakos, Great Falls
HD 23 John Proud, Great Falls
HD 26 Russel Miner, Stockett
HD 28 Wayne Stahl, Saco
HD 33 Brandon Ler, Savage
HD 38 Greg Oblander, Shepherd
HD 53 Nelly Nicol, Billings
HD 55 Mary Horman, Red Lodge
HD 76 Dave Kesler, Philipsburg
HD 77 Jane Gillette, Three Forks
HD 79 Jill Sark, Helena
HD 84 Julie Dooling, Helena
HD 90 Jeff Stanek, Saint Regis

All of these candidates are worthy of your support, especially the ones local to you.  However, if I had to pick just one candidate I’d really like to see win his Primary, it would be Dave Kesler in HD 76, Phillipsburg.  If you can do something to help Dave, with a financial donation or volunteer time, please do.  Contact anyone you may know in the Phillipsburg area and let them know that Dave is endorsed by MSSA.  Dave has a Website at:

I will soon get out another email addressing Montana races other than for the Montana Legislature.  Stay tuned …

Good governance is a participatory activity.  Freedom is not free.  Get involved!  Please act.  Please also recirculate this email to all of your Montana friends.

Best wishes,

Gary Marbut, President

Montana Shooting Sports Association

Author, Gun Laws of Montana

By office