Dear MSSA Friends,
In about 1991, MSSA created its gun safety program for kids.  Be Safe is intended for kids in first through third grades.  Be Safe has become the primary source of gun safety information for children in Montana.  It is approved by the Legislature and by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.Until now, Be Safe has been on paper only.  It is a story to read to children about how one Montana family addresses firearm safety issues in a home with children.  We have probably distributed over a quarter million copies of Be Safe around Montana since its inception.We have long dreamed of getting Be Safe available Online in video format.  The first iteration of Be Safe video is now available both from the MSSA Website and at:

This is Phase I of the new, improved Be Safe on video.  Phase II is in the future and will be interactive for children.

Please distribute this message and Be Safe link to schools, teachers, homeschools and groups, youth groups, and any others involving young children who could benefit from a firearms safety message.

Thanks for your help in spreading this gun safety message for kids!

By office