(for immediate release, July 26, 2016)
MISSOULA – The Montana Shooting Sports Association (MSSA), the primary political advocate for gun owners in Montana, today announced its endorsement of Greg Gianforte, candidate for Governor of Montana.
MSSA President Gary Marbut said, “Gianforte is clearly the best candidate to occupy the Governor’s Office for the next four years. Greg would sign the pro-gun bills that current Governor Bullock has vetoed, which MSSA and Montana gun owners worked so hard to get through the past two sessions of the Montana Legislature. Montana gun owners have been stonewalled long enough by an incumbent governor who doesn’t truly believe in the Right to Keep and Bear Arms as an unalienable human right that the people have reserved to themselves from government interference.”
MSSA has now gotten 67 pro-gun and pro-hunting bills passed and enacted, including putting the right to hunt and fish into the Montana Constitution, Montana’s current concealed weapon permit law, and many others. (Partial list at:
“Gianforte is an active hunter, a committed gun owner, and an active shooter,” Marbut continued. “He is genuine and exactly the kind of guy Montana needs to occupy the Governor’s Office in Helena.”
MSSA evaluates candidates based on political history and returned candidate questionnaires. Neither Democrat Steve Bullock nor Libertarian Ted Dunlap returned MSSA’s 2016 Governor’s Candidate Questionnaire. The Questionnaire was sent to the email address the candidates provided when they filed for office. Republican Gianforte completed and returned the Questionnaire, and Bullock has a political history upon which to base an evaluation. Bullock’s history includes his vetoes of multiple pro-gun bills passed by the Legislature at the request of MSSA and Montana gun owners.
MSSA has an assertive legislative agenda planned for the 2017 session of the Legislature, as expressed in MSSA’s 2016 Legislative Candidate Questionnaire.
Marbut commented, “The proposed bills referenced in this Questionnaire will advance the rights of Montana gun owners, and improve public policy. Getting such bills enacted into law will depend on having a sympathetic governor, since Governor Bullock has already vetoed several of them at least once.”
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Information: Gary Marbut, 406-549-1252