Dear MSSA Friends,

You know that Jon Motl, the Commissioner of Political Practices, issued his Decision in Roberts v. MSSA, holding that the MSSA Political Committee violated Montana laws in two ways.

1.  That a required list of candidates affected was not provided to COPP, and

2.  That reports to the Federal Elections Commission were not provided.

Today I sent a comprehensive response to the Commissioner’s Decision, questioning much in that Decision.  Because the Commissioner fails to post my comments on this case on his Website, I have posted today’s letter to him here:

You may remember that my April official Response to the initial Complaint is posted here:

It will be interesting to see what Commissioner Motl does in response to my letter today.  Will he revise his Decision, or will he try to bull through with false facts?

It seems as if he wants to give MSSA a black eye, or to intimidate MSSA into staying out of the political process.  After reading today’s letter, do you think either will work?

Stay tuned …

Best wishes,
--   Gary Marbut, president  Montana Shooting Sports Association  Author, Gun Laws of Montana

By mssa