Dear MSSA Friends,
The Missoula Current (a liberal Missoula Website) reports that the Commissioner of Political Practices (CoPP) has filed a lawsuit against MSSA in state District Court in Helena. Allegedly, this lawsuit is an enforcement action over claimed campaign irregularities from 2014.
If this report is correct (unconfirmed at this point), CoPP is asking the Court to fine MSSA $28,000 because one staple was missing from documents MSSA properly filed with CoPP in 2014. Yes, $28,000 because of one missing staple!
I have posted more detail about this at:
So, if you see more about this in the media, now you know the Rest of the Story, as Paul Harvey used to say.
If you read the linked material, you will see that CoPP has been weaponized by anti-gun, liberal political elements to try to emasculate and sideline MSSA, your highly successful political warrior asserting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
Stay tuned for more.
Best wishes,