Be there to speak for the bill if you can. If you can’t, be sure to send messages to committee members asking them to support SB 130. You can send a message to all members of the Senate State Admin Committee from the Legislature’s Online message form at:
Keep your message brief, please.
SB 130 would expand upon existing laws establishing the Montana Home Guard to specify organization, mission, duties, responsibilities and control. Under SB 130, the Home Guard would be an all-volunteer entity, with specialized companies or platoons that might specialize in medical, forestry, environmental remediation, construction, transportation, communication, or other specialized services. The Home Guard would become a statewide volunteer effort like volunteer fire departments or Neighborhood Watch, but with a different, broader, and more varied mission.
You can find the Bill Text, Current Status, General Descriptions for this Bill here:
If you have any questions about what SB 130 would accomplish or how it would work, read the bill (linked above).
I hope to see you on Monday at 3PM at the Capitol. If you can’t be there, please send messages to Committee members.
Gary Marbut, President
Montana Shooting Sports Association
Author, Gun Laws of Montana