Dear MSSA Friends,

Montana’s Senator Daines has a bill coming up for committee hearing, S. 2206, to release for general Forest Service management five different areas that were designated as “wilderness study areas” about 40 years ago.  About 35 years ago, the Forest Service declared that these areas were not suitable for wilderness designation.
Pasted below is the text of MSSA’s letter of support to Daines in re S. 2206.  If you agree with me, you should email messages of support, especially from clubs and organizations, to Senator Daines, ASAP.
Here’s my letter to Senator Daines:
February 1, 2018
Senator Steve Daines
218 E. Front St., Suite 103
Missoula, Montana 59802
Dear Senator Daines,
The Montana Shooting Sports Association supports S. 2206.  We believe that moving the included wilderness study areas back into standard Forest Service management will benefit Montana hunters, but especially hunters who are no longer young and fit but who still wish to hunt.
When we were younger, we could hike in five miles, shoot an elk, and with a struggle, pack it out.  Many of us can no longer do that, because of age or infirmity.  We are effectively excluded from the hunt because we cannot use motorized methods to get within a mile or so of the hunting opportunity.
These wilderness study areas are classic examples of public lands from which those who are not unusually fit are effectively excluded.  We hope that having these areas returned to standard Forest Service management and multiple use will once again allow effective public access for all of the public, and for all hunters.
Sincerely yours,
Gary Marbut

By mssa