Representative Matthew Monforton, a gun-friendly attorney from Bozeman, has introduced HB 598. This bill is for a statutory referendum, which will require only 50%+1 of each House and Senate to go on the ballot for a vote of the people. HB 598 will accomplish two things: 1) require that any infringements on the fundamental right to keep and bear arms must pass the highest level of judicial scrutiny to survive, and 2) will award court costs and attorney fees to anyone who’s rights are infringed and who sues and wins the lawsuit.
This is really big! This bill is not on the MSSA Legislative Agenda for the 2015 session, but MSSA is adopting it. It’s a super idea that could have very positive consequences for the RKBA in Montana.
HB 598 has been scheduled for a public hearing before the House Judiciary Committee next Friday, 3/13. It’s not yet time to send messages to committee members asking for support. Soon – maybe Wednesday or Thursday.
There are two more bills on the MSSA legislative agenda that are yet to be introduced. I’ll let you know. Stay tuned …
Best wishes,
Gary Marbut, President
Montana Shooting Sports Association
Author, Gun Laws of Montana