Dear MSSA Friends,

Montana Attorney General Tim Fox has released the requested Opinion about the enforceability of the Missoula ordinance requiring government background checks for private transfers of firearms.  You can access this AG Op here:

As expected, this AG Opinion declares the Missoula ordinance to be in conflict with controlling state law, and to be unenforceable.

Addressing the Missoula ordinance this way, and putting the wheels in motion for this AG Opinion, was something MSSA initiated over a year ago.  We’re glad this planting finally bore the expected fruit.  This is yet another example of what MSSA does for Montana gun owners.  For more examples, see:

If you are not already an MSSA member, you should really join to be a part of our longstanding success.  MSSA membership information is available at:


Best wishes,

— Gary Marbut, President

Montana Shooting Sports Association
Author, Gun Laws of Montana

By mssa