MSSA’s Sheriffs First bill, HB 274, will be up for Second Reading on the House floor on Monday, 2/9, at 1:00 PM.
Please get a message to your Representative (not Senator) to support HB 274. Remember, be polite; be brief.
In addition to your Representative, it would be good for these other Representatives to hear from you, either because they voted against HB 203 today, or because we worry they might not support HB 274:
Tom Berry
Christy Clark
Frank Garner
Steve Lavin
Kirk Wagoner
If you say more than just "Please support HB 274," you could also mention that the amendments by the House Judiciary Committee cured all the objections raised by opponents in the public hearing.
Again, you can get messages to legislators by calling the Message Center, 444-4800 (week days, 8-5), or by using the Online Message Form:
Thanks for your help!!
Best wishes,
Gary Marbut, President
Montana Shooting Sports Association
Author, Gun Laws of Montana