MSSA’s flagship bill, SB 122, to encourage the manufacture of ammunition components in Montana, will be up for Second Reading before the full House tomorrow, Tuesday, April 13th. This bill could have more long term consequence for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Montana than any other bill this session. Please contact your Representative (not Senator) and ask him or her to support SB 122. contact any other Representatives you wish.
While this is an important RKBA bill, it is also a jobs bill. It has the potential to create a lot of good-paying jobs in Montana. Plus, it won’t cost the state one dime of existing tax revenue because there are no such businesses in Montana now.
Get messages to legislators via the Message Center, 444-4800, or with the Online Message Form at:
Also, MSSA’s suppressor bill, the "good" bill, SB 295, has gone to the governor for his signature. Governor Bullock has already said he wants suppressors legal for hunting. This is the best bill to accomplish that because it is much cleaner methodology than HB 250 for which he offered amendments. Please contact the Governor and ask him to sign SB 295.
Contact the Governor
By U.S. Mail:
Steve Bullock
Governor of Montana
Helena, Montana 59620
By phone:
Toll Free: 855-318-1330
FAX: 406-444-5529
Email: "Steve Bullock" <>
Twitter: @GovernorBullock
Finally, if you’re interested in the proposed CSKT water compact, I’ve written about that (off MSSA mission) at:
Thanks loads for your help and support!
Gary Marbut, President
Montana Shooting Sports Association
Author, Gun Laws of Montana